Sunday, July 24, 2011

Countless Blessings

Bless you, baby deer,

Bless everyone, far and near.
Bless you, baby flowers and trees.
Bless you, baby birds and bees.
Bless you, baby butterflies and skunks.
Bless you, baby frogs and chipmunks.
Bless you, baby raven and fox.
Bless you, baby sheep with curly locks.
Bless you, baby bear.
Bless you, baby animals everywhere.
Bless you, baby dove.
Bless you, babies everywhere - for your love.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Riding Free

    Riding Free

Riding free,
just the horse and me,
just the horse and me.
Riding, riding,
around the bend,
and blue skies on every end.
Just the horse and me,
just the horse and me,
loving to be free.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Spring's Newness

One humdred days of
winter's cold rest
bring forth
spring's festival
of newness,
Each new leaf,
a poem and
each new bud,
a song -
of the newness
that lies
within each
 of us.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Sunshine without Shadows

The beauty of stars and moons,
the vitality of spring's newness,
the love of nature's nestlings,
the light of good
springing forth
in a spectacular sunrise -
are all one
with the majesty
of your beauty and truth,
now and forevermore.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Welcoming the New

    Lush spring greens
    joyfully join
    fresh pansy faces,
    forcing all
    to drop winter's ways
    and welcome
    the child within.

Sunday, May 1, 2011



        The gift of life and love
        is yours to give
        again  and   again.
       so generously,
       so beautifully,
       You are the reason
       the children’s hearts sing
       and know
       the face of heaven.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


         the pines
            and us
              uniting all
                 in beauty and harmony.